Tag Christianity Is Not Great

Christianity is fundamentally opposed to freedom of speech

In reading Richard Carrier’s excellent chapter in John Loftus’ superb Christianity is not Great in which I have a chapter myself, there is much to glean concerning matters of democracy and the American Constitution in the context of the Bible and religion.download
It is funny how so many libertarians/right-leaners and political commentators in the US are fans of both religion and freedom of speech. Freedom of speech seems to be something which, though actually complex and problematic, is intuitively argued for by many who also favour free market economics and general human liberties.

Founding Father John Adams: Christianity, Atheism and Democracy

The Founding Fathers are still on the front line of debate amongst atheists and Christians, secularists and theocrats alike. All these years later there is still confusion abounding. Part of the reason why is that there are many misquotes (and this can happen on both sides). Here, for example, is a quote (A letter from Adams to Jefferson) sometimes used by secularists:

Christianity Is not Great is imminent

I am pretty excited about the upcoming Christianity Is not Great, John Loftus’ latest anthology which comprises a plethora of fantastic authors and chapters, it seems (I have not read the chapters, though cannot wait). This is really shaping up to be a corker. Get it pre-ordered!

I have been commissioned a chapter on morality for Loftus’ new book “Christianity Is Not Great”

I am exceptionally grateful that John Loftus thought of me when shortlisting potential contributors to his latest anthology Christianity Is Not Great. Not only that, but my chapter on atheological morality, which I wrote a few months ago for him, was one of the chapters used in the proposal to Prometheus Books. And they have just accepted the project! Fantastic! Here is what John has just announced: