• Beyond An Absence of Faith: Stories About the Loss of Faith and the Discovery of Self

    Finally, it is here. Well, I am awaiting a proof copy. But the zeroes and ones are winging themselves about over at Kobo, Nook, Kindle and iTunes such that the anthology of deconversion accounts named Beyond An Absence of Faith: Stories About the Loss of Faith and the Discovery of Self will be available to purchase at those outlets soon.

    The project, which I have co-edited with Tristan Vick, and for which I wrote an introduction which can be read here, comprises 16 accounts of walking away from faith and religion. There is a great gender balance, with different voices from around the world and from different worldviews. We were lucky to get Jeremy Beahan, from Reasonable Doubts (the best podcast in town).

    Here is the cover:

    cover image official

    At the moment we are gearing up to get review copies out to particular people and whatnot. Please support this project by getting hold of a paperback copy in a week or so or an ebook version in a day or so. Whether it be a ex-Muslim man remaining anonymous as an apostate in Pakistan, or an ex-Christian woman from the Quiverfull movement who had her body held to ransom in the name of God, these people need their voices heard, both to give strength to others in similar situations, but also to offer understanding and explanation to those still within the confines of organised religion.

    It has been a fascinating journey getting this book ready for release and we are both proud of the outcome. Enjoy, if you can!

    [EDIT – here it is on Kindle UK, Kindle US, Nook]


    Category: AtheismBooksDeconversionFeaturedSkepticism


    Article by: Jonathan MS Pearce