• Focus on the Family’s “True U”


    Focus on the Family has a plan to keep college age students in the fold. They’ve produced a series of DVDs titled “TrueU” aiming to keep the kids getting influenced by all those godless professors they’ll likely encounter after high school graduation.

    A promotional video for a series of DVDs being marketed as “TrueU” notes that “increasing numbers of college students are losing their faith” and “60% of all biology & psychology professors are atheist or agnostic.”  According to TrueU’s promotional video (embedded below), scientific developments point to the existence of the Christian god.

    It’s interesting. Stephen Meyer, the video presenter, claims all these university profs are completely “out of touch” with the latest developments in science. Huh. I was unaware of that. I always thought that universities were where a lot of the research took place, but I could be wrong. 🙂

    Dr. Alex McFarland, President, Southern Evangelical Seminary, is quoted on the TrueU website as saying, “In twenty-one years of working with youth and college ministries, rarely have I been as impressed as with Focus on the Family’s new series, TrueU.”

    I suppose it’s time for me to become alarmed. However, I can’t help but think that the average prospective college student is unlikely to fall for this propaganda. I’m sure it’ll be an effective fund raiser for Focus on the Family, though. Lots of scared parents will purchase it and these vids will gather dust for many years to come.


    Category: FYI


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)