Tag United States

Anti-Drama Pledge

Lee Moore of A-News recently offered to sit down with the two warring sides of the atheist infighting in an attempt to mediate the dispute. He continues to push for this and that’s great. Now Daniel Fincke of The Camels With Hammers adds his own attempt to end the infighting by issuing a “Civility Pledge.”

The Media Is Doing It Wrong: Rise of the ‘Nones’

On Thursday, I wrote an Examiner article about the rise of the “nones.” Apparently the media loves the fact that according to the new Gallup tracking poll, the “nones” only grew .3% from the previous year. The religious are thrilled that our rise is “slowing down.” But they really shouldn’t be.

The World Will End… Tonight!!!

I know that there were a lot of people worried that something was going to happen because the Mayan calendar had run out. Some people even thought the world was going to end. When December 21st passed, people said that the Mayans were wrong. But they weren’t.

The Jesus States of America

Obama won the election and as I predicted, it wasn’t even close. If Bush had a “mandate” in 2004, then Obama has a down right decree from the people. But the Religious Right are once again acting like sore losers and threatening to secede from the Union and form their own country. I’m going to call it the Jesus States of America.