Tag Old Testament

Dear Christians, Stand Up Against God

As an atheist, I get Christians telling me that I am immoral all the time. Many Christians even inform me that the very reason why I am an atheist is because I want to “sin” and a belief in God would keep me from sinning. After all, it works so well for Christians, right? I wish Christians would stop telling me how moral they are and actually show me how moral they are through their actions. But I guess if they did that, then they would have to take a stand against their God.

Christians Gonna Hate

A year and a half after Jessica Ahlquist won her fight to secularize her school by having a Christian prayer banner removed she still faces hate and threats of violence from Christians. Obviously not all Christians are hateful assclowns, but the fact is that many of them are and it really shouldn’t be such a surprise.

Fundamentalists Can Learn From Ivory Tower Christians

Last night, I was a guest lecturer at a community college sociology class. The subject was atheism and secular humanism. I started out talking about the beginnings of religion and at one point outlined how the Old Testament came together. One fundamentalist Christian in the class questioned my account and well she should have because it is pretty damning to her fundamentalist beliefs and because I think it is important to question everything.

The Path to Atheism is Paved with Hell

Obviously, it is my strongly help opinion based on the complete lack of evidence and compelling counter-evidence that the entire Christian mythology is fiction. While I am fond of spreading the real “Good News,” that Hell is imaginary too, I think just talking about the concept of Hell is a win for atheism.