Tag Critical thinking

Real Life Is Distracting Me Again

Even though I am pretty open about my atheism to everyone except maybe the people at my part-time job, I still sometimes feel like I live two lives. I have one life with my wife, kids, family, and friends, and another life online. Well, real life is distracting me from my online life again.

A Shift in Our Thinking

We have to shift the way we think about the world and our place in it. Instead of thinking in tribalisticly, we need to start to recognize that we are one race. Could you imagine how much progress humanity could make if we stopped fighting over resources and used that money and effort to make the world a better place and to advance human understanding?

Religious Strife vs. Scientific Advancement

Last night Richard Dawkins was on the Daily Show and has once again demonstrated why I am not a fan of his television appearances in America. Maybe he does better with a British audience, I don’t know, but when it comes to American audiences, he just doesn’t do a good job.