Tag Big Bang

Dear Theists, Why Are We Here?

As an atheist, I get asked about the First Cause constantly despite the fact that any theist could just Google it and learn that the First Cause Argument was refuted hundreds of years ago. Not only that, but it has been refuted in multiple different ways. Still, religious believers will question atheists on this and insert their poor interpretation of what an atheist’s answer might be.

22 Messages From Atheists To People Who Believe In Creation

The BuzzFeed article featuring 22 messages from Creationists is so awesomely ridiculous that I just couldn’t stop with just posting answered to the 22 messages as my character of Bill Nye, so today I’m going to be asking the questions… as atheist versions of the 22 characters from the original BuzzFeed article.

22 Answers To Messages From Creationists

Matt Stopera of BuzzFeed asked 22 Creations to write down some questions for the scientifically literate following the Nye/Ham debate. I thought it would be fun to answer these questions playing the role of Bill Nye The Science Guy. You can see the photos of the Creationists asking the questions on the BuzzFeed article.

5 Best Books To De-Convert A Christian

There are a lot of great books written by atheist authors over the past few years. While I can’t say that reading any one particular book was the key to my own de-conversion from Judaism to atheism, I have heard from a lot of fellow atheists about how this book or that really got them thinking critically about religion and lead to their de-conversion. None of those books are going to be on my list.