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Posted by on Aug 18, 2008 in Uncategorized | 17 comments

Prayer reduces fuel prices

A prayer group in Washington DC is claiming the credit for the recent sharp drop in the US price of petrol. Go here.


  1. Slightly OT but did you get to see the 2nd episode of C4’s “Make me a Christian”?

  2. No, but I can as it’s on the playback facility. But it looked totally silly in the trailer – e.g. taking lesbian woman’s lesbian books away, etc.

  3. Yes theres a lot of that sort of thing.I think the whole thin is rather badly made – there is far too much repetition and very little in the way of analysis.It looks rather as if the makers really struggled to find more than 30 minutes of (in their view) watchable TV in 3 weeks of filming despite carefully seeding the group with all the mainstay stereotypes beloved of “reality” TV.We’ve had this and “Make me a Muslim”. Any thoughts of doing a “Make me a neo-Platonist” or something a bit more challenging?

  4. Does this group claim the credit for falls in share prices too?

  5. I think it should be obvious why the owners came out and reduced the prices: They were annoyed by the jerks outside their place that were praying and scaring off potential buyers. If you drive by a gas station that has a bunch of people outside acting like they’re possessed, are you going to go there or the place across the street where there’s no one? In order to combat that, they had to do whatever the people wanted, e.g. lower prices. It could also have been used as a way to get more customers in despite of the crazy people outside.

  6. OK, $0.20 in 4 months. Just tell them to keep it up for another 40 months so that gas is back down to $1.80/gallon. Their god can and would do that, right? But only if they keep begging for favors.

  7. If there god has answered this prayer surely they could pray for something more worthwhile?Like ending hunger? Disease? War?They seem to have focused on a very selfish desire…

  8. Hahahahahahahahah! Yeah and I prayed that all the heathen sinners in New Orleans would get what was coming to them. Bingo, Hurricane Katrina! Give me a break! just because one event follows another does not mean they are causally related.

  9. We didn’t buy the “Maharishi Effect” when they held that simply meditating in big groups causes crime rates to fall, spontaneous apple cheeks on young girls, and fluffy kittens and puppies to appear out of nowhere.Why does this group think that we have to accept it from them? From any other group its sorcery and witchcraft. What do you call soothsaying when Christians do it? Prophecy, apparently.

  10. Maybe they’re just working up to that “ending hunger” thing? Actually why don’t they just go away into a quiet corner and pray for the end of atheism?

  11. Well, its a simple exercise. Each week, 2 prayer groups should be organised, 1 for price increase, 1 for price decrease. Every week, 1 group is proven right and given sufficient news coverage. The other remains silent. Continue weekly and we’ll always have one claiming credit, unless price remains unchange.Its the same with the weekly lottery winner..does it mean everyone will strike?

  12. Post hoc at its best. I commanded the sky to rain today and lo the rain has come. I am powerful indeed!!!…..of course I live in Ireland where it always rains. I’m not quite ready to command the sun to shine. I’m powerful, not stupid!

  13. I have small children and a wife, so I went into my room to pray for peace and quite, and lo, both were achieved. Or in the vary least dampened.

  14. Andrew, are you suggesting that you smothered them all to death with a pillow, possibly while they slept? Seems pretty ominous, if so!

  15. Kyle P, Nice,well as I see it doesn’t matter. The prayer worked.Actually I was suggesting that by going into the other room I couldn’t here the caos as much. But I’m going to say that it was because of they prayer.

  16. I know Andrew. My sense of humor tends to lean towards intentionally misinterpreting things. 🙂

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