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Posted by on Jun 8, 2008 in Israel, Palestine and Terror | 7 comments

Israel, Palestine and Terror

Israel, Palestine and Terror is out at Edited by me, it features contributions by many very eminent philosophers (and also myself). Noam Chomsky, Igor Primoratz, William McBride, Jerry Cohen and Ted Honderich, among others. Some very fiery and provocative papers among them. Tony Benn was kind enough to provide a flattering comment for the back cover.

Back to the vanishing God shortly….


  1. You “understand” the Middle East too?! Do you know no limits?! I mean, you already seem to have a professional understanding of every single area of philosophy we wander into (which covers a LOT), the education system (here and in Australia!), the whole of London’s academia, and even, most impressively, the logic-defying complexity of the British postal service. Ever considered, you know, being Prime Minister, just on the side? Just when you’ve got some spare time, you know… 😀

  2. Oh, and I look forward to reading the book, etc etc… ! Seriously though, I do! Would you say that reading a basic introductory book to the Middle East’s problems, history etc first would help, if you only know the very basic history of the situation (veeery basic) and what’s on the news and in newspapers etc?Thanks (and that’s the end of the flattery)Sally

  3. Thanks for the flattery, Sally-bm. I don’t pretend to understand the Middle East; nor do I claim to be any sort of authority. I just kind of got interested in topic of terrorism through talking to Honderich, and thought this would be an interesting collection to put together. My contribution is a bit of analysis on non-violent alternatives to terror, which required no particular Middle-East expertise from me, in fact.

  4. Sorry, Sally-bm, I did not answer your question – you get a potted history included in some of the papers, so this really requires no background knowledge, I think (the history is from both sides – make up your own mind which is more accurate).

  5. Alright, well maybe I should judge AFTER reading the book. It could be pants, after all :-)However, it does sound brilliant!

  6. Sold out at Amazon (UK) already.

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