• Gun Deaths in the US Compared to Deaths in War

    I saw an interesting graphic today at addictinginfo.org.

    In the US, since 1968, about 1,384,000 people have been killed due to firearms in the US.  This is from a compilation of the CDC and FBI data.

    Since the US was formed (including the revolutionary war), 1,171,000 people have died due to those wars.  This includes indirect casualties.  This data is from a congressional report and icausualties.org.  The link above has links to the data.

    One of the commenters at addictinginfo pointed out a very interesting point.  If the deaths due to guns (in 2011 alone) had been caused by airliner crashes, it would have been the equivalent of 5 Boeing 747 per month for an entire year.

    Does anyone believe that no one would blame the aircraft and only blame the pilots for this?

    Category: GovernmentLife


    Article by: Smilodon's Retreat