• One Year

    It’s been one year since my first post at Skeptic Ink.  Of course, the site is just over a year old.

    It’s been a very interesting 12 months.  I’ve presented some good information that seems to be referenced a lot.  I’ve had some good (and not so good) discussions with readers.

    More importantly, I’ve had fun doing this.  Sometimes, it feels like a chore and I don’t want to, but for the most part I’m enjoying it.

    And I want to thank you… yes you.  If you are reading this, then you are who I’m thanking.  For some reason, you think my work is worth some of your precious time.  I appreciate that.  It’s why I do this.  I love to write, but writing is like masturbating… it’s fine, but unless someone else is involved, it’s ultimately unsatisfying.

    Writing can be hard.  It’s worst when you realize that you can write just about anything you want… and spend the next three days staring at a blank screen wondering what to write about.  Sometimes, it’s good to have just a hint about what to write about.

    With that, I’d like to open the floor to requests and suggestions. What would like to see more of?  What would you like to see less of? (I’ll try not to whine as much this year.)  Are there any burning questions that I might be able to answer?  Do you want me to write some more fiction?

    Once again, thank you for reading and please stick around.  We’ve got a lot more work to do before science and reason are universal instead of aberrations.

    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: Smilodon's Retreat