• Anything But the Actual Issue

    When arguing with someone, it is fairly easy to tell when they really haven’t thought about their opinion.

    They want to talk about anything but their opinion.  Creationists always want to talk about evolution.  ID advocates always want to talk about evolution.  Anti-vaxxer always want to talk about autism.  Global warming denialists always want to talk about the ‘tricks’ and the ‘lack of information’.  Same with the anti-GMO crowd.

    By refusing to actually talk about their position and the details of their side, then they never have to deal with the actual problems with their side.  They never have to deal with all the lies that their side promotes.

    They never have to deal with the fact that they desperately want their side to be correct… when it’s obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills that they are wrong.

    Ask a creationist to explain why there is no evidence of a global flood.

    Ask an ID advocate to explain and use CSI in a biological setting.

    Ask an anti-vaxxer to explain why all these kids are dying because of easily preventable diseases.

    I could go on, but you get the point.

    Anything to avoid actually thinking about their own position.

    Category: Skepticism

    Article by: Smilodon's Retreat