• International Tabletop Gaming Day

    March 30 is International Tabletop day!

    This is a holiday announcement I can support without reservation.

    How do you celebrate today?  Grab your family and friends and go play games today.  Not video games, but old school (and new school) board games.  The newer board games (and European board games) tend to have all the players play the entire game and are won on points rather than last man standing.  Settlers of Catan is a great gateway game.

    If you live near a game shop, they are probably having IT day events.  Go play some games, meet new people.  Have fun.  If you are in the Austin area, I’ll be at Wonko’s all day.  Steve Jackson will be there at some point!

    If nothing else, watch Tabletop videos.


    See ya!



    I couldn’t stay for all the festivities, family events this evening and all.  But I played six games and was either first or second in every game.  All in all, a good day of gaming.

    And I met Steve Jackson.  He signed my T-shirt (he was wearing the same T-shirt).

    Now, I have to start making brookies (brownie cupcakes with cookies in the middle).

    Category: CultureLife

    Article by: Smilodon's Retreat