• Public Perception of Atheism

    A while back, I asked “Who speaks for the Christians”.  At the time (the height of the Republican Primaries), the nutters were out in force.  But, I know, just from personal experience that the vast majority of Christians aren’t batshit crazy.

    The problem is that they are not the ones talking.  Sensationalism sells.  Which story is going to get more news coverage?  Westboro Baptist tussles with Hell’s Angels at a military funeral or  nice Christian man let’s an old woman go first in the grocery store line?

    That’s one reason I like this particular blog network.  There are some other skeptical/atheism/freethought blogs that I feel have gotten too mixed up in the ratings game.  Sure, it’s nice for their pocket book and they get invited to all the conferences and such.  But what are they really doing?  Are they really presenting atheism, skepticism, rationality in the best light?  I don’t believe so.

    I think SIN does a good job of this.  I have yet to read a post here that’s an ‘attack post’.  Sure, there are lots of posts that make a claim about someone, but it’s always backed up with significant evidence.

    The point here is provide another voice, a rational voice, even against those who claim to be rational.

    And yes, there is a lot of drama in atheist circles right now.  For some, it’s good for business, for most, it detracts from the message.

    Atheists, as a group, are not immoral, psychopaths with no restraint because they don’t believe in god.  Atheists, as a group, are just like any other group of people.  There are different ideas, different focuses, different desires.  Some people are jerks, some are nice.  Some are loud, some are quiet. etc.

    The point is that atheism is about one thing.  Disbelief in deities.  That’s all.  Anything else, feminism, humanism, or any other beliefs (personal or social) are not a part of atheism (or skepticism for that matter).

    The question I have in my mind, is does the general public even see the drama that exists in these circles?  Do they even care if it exists?

    For me, the evidence suggests “no” and “no”.  Atheism, to the general public (at least in the US) is still the evil empire.  Doesn’t matter what we do internally, the general perception is still one of evil.

    Externally, we should all be trying to be as reasonable as possible and I think that’s largely the case.  In spite of the hit numbers and conferences, the majority of atheist activists are still preaching to the choir (as it where).  Who goes to atheist conferences?  Atheists.  I dare say very few, if any, Christians would go to one.

    In my mind, the drama is still detrimental to the overall cause.

    There’s all this talk of civility pledges and the like.  There are two groups who will not sign that pledge.  The first is people who are making their living off the drama.  The conferences, the blog hits, the book sales are all based on that drama and signing a civility pledge would cut into that.  The second group is those that are already civil.  Why should the civil pledge to be what they already are.

    To me, this civility pledge is little more than an attempt to take the high moral ground.  If you don’t sign, then you’re automatically an enemy of atheism.  If you do sign, but dare say anything against the in-group, then you are a hypocrite.  It’s a no-win situation.

    I look to the people to recognize this.  It doesn’t matter if anyone signs a pledge to be civil or not.  Look at their actions.  Look at their writing.  Are they civil or not?

    Actions speak louder than words… which goes for the Christian communities as well as for everyone else on this little ball of dirt.  We can say whatever we want.  It’s what we do that shows who we really are.

    If you do good, remain civil, and are nice, then there’s no reason to proclaim the fact to the world.  People will notice.  Let those who revel in the drama find a group that they are happy with.  Let those who wish reasoned, civil discussion find a group that they are happy with.


    End rambling…

    Category: AtheismCultureLifeSkepticismSociety


    Article by: Smilodon's Retreat