• 2013 Resolutions

    Almost everyone makes some kind of new year resolutions.  As humans, we take days of otherwise insignificance and make them into something special.  Someone, a long time said that this particular day is the first day of 2013.  And we make this, otherwise unremarkable Tuesday, into a national holiday and decide that it represents a reset of our lives.  We resolve to do things better in this new year.

    As skeptics, we should have an advantage in both making and keeping new year resolutions.

    First, we really don’t need the new year.  We can decide to change our lives whenever we choose to.

    Second, we skeptics should be much better at self-reflection than others.  We should be able to look at ourselves in the mirror and be honest in examining our own good points, bad points, and points that need work.  I can look in the mirror and not try to dismiss the fact that I’m getting a little pudgy around the middle*.  We should be able to critically question the aspects of our lives (and we should all the time).  Are we doing the best that we can for ourselves, our family, and our culture?

    Third, we can use our skeptical skills to realize our limits and our goals.  We can make reasonable goals that we know we will be able to achieve.  In my experience, one of the biggest problems with new year resolutions is unreasonable goals.  To someone who is a smoker, quitting cold turkey is an almost unreasonable goal.  It’s very, very difficult.  Dropping the number of cigarettes consumed each day is much more reasonable goal.

    So, with that in mind, I have a single resolution.  I am going to get back into shape.  I may not eat more healthy (I know that’s not going to happen).  I will go to the gym a minimum of 4 hours a week.

    To help me with goal, I have gotten a gym membership and a personal trainer (at least for a few weeks).  I have determined a time that I can go to the gym every day.  I have, with my trainer, developed a workout schedule that keeps me from getting bored and is useful.

    So far, so good.  I started last Wednesday and have gone every day except for Sunday.

    To everyone, have a great new year and I hope that you make reasonable resolutions and keep them.

    * I so want to insert the line from Men in Black where the officer says “If you were half the man I am…” and Will Smith replies, “What do you mean, I AM half the man you are.”  But it’s not that bad yet.


    Category: CultureSociety


    Article by: Smilodon's Retreat