• Myers finally comes right out and abandons Reason and Science

    The arc of Myers bends long and it bends in the direction of Lysenkoism.  The entire course of his descent has been a desire to substitute the worst kind of brain-dead US lefty politics for any kind of genuine scientific or skeptical contribution.  Hence his break after break with Dawkins, Shermer, the skeptic movement etc…  Now he finally comes right out and embraces the ultimate in modern unreason, postmodernism.

    Here’s what he quotes, approvingly:

    Many scientists hate what they think of as postmodernism, mainly because of its denial of the possibility of an objective truth and its questioning of the concomitant idea that knowledge is somehow progressing. The idea that scientific knowledge is not necessarily advancing towards something that we can call ‘truth’ disturbs them

    This is the logical endpoint of his successive betrayals.  Scientific objectivity makes mockery of his ideas?  Why, scientific objectivity has to go!

    I am not reading anything into this.  Here’s Myers:

    Science has to be answerable to public interest, and the goals of scientists (and atheists!) should include progressive values

    Translation: scientific findings are only okay when they are in tune with my values.  We need to make science “answerable” to the local commissar – sorry, “the public interest”.  And Mendelian genetics is clearly motivated by a Bourgeois Capitalist Hegemony of Inequality…

    It is nice to have him finally admit to it, I suppose, and there is now no reason to ever pretend that he stands for anything other than his political bromides, or that he ever stood for science and reason.

    Category: Uncategorized

    Article by: The Prussian