• Q.E.D.

    Kicking off my “Enlightenment Rebooted” series, I wondered how on earth a group that declares openly that they are naught but helpless victims will be able to stand against anything with teeth?

    Case in point.

    Someone’s quit the movement because she cannot put up with nasty comments on facebook and twitter?  This is supposed to hold the line against the Muslim Brotherhood and the Front National and Hizb ut-Tahrir and the Shiv Sena?

    If you follow the links, you will see that the person in question is upset that someone claiming to be “a genetically engineered super soldier” threatened to kill her.  Awwww.

    You know, people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Wafa Sultan and Nonie Darwish have to face credible death threats every single day – and they are the ones ignored and spat on by this crowd.

    This is what will make a difference? This is going to resist theocracy?

    Incidentally – when a member of FTB reports on real death threats, exactly how much coverage does that get?  To any British readers, see you at the rally.

    Category: Skepticism

    Article by: The Prussian