Latest Publishing News from Onus

There are two projects on the imminent horizon, if there could be such a thing. Firstly, Dave Fletcher’s anticipated book on mythology, Myth Education is shaping up really well. For each deity entry in the book, there is an accompanying artistic interpretation. The artwork is amazing, it really is. We are very excited about this project and the final piece will be a great addition to anyone’s bookshelf, particularly those interested in mythology from around the world.

Moreover, we have secured a foreword and an afterword from two authors/bloggers/mythologists, Karl E.H. Seigfried and Arthur George. They should bookend the text quite delightfully.

The second project that is in its finishing stages is the anthology of chapters from writers at the Patheos Nonreligious network – Not Seeing God Through 25 Skeptical Lenses: theism in the 21st Century. This work is rather similar to the superb book of the Skeptic Ink Network 13 Reasons to Doubt in its format, though will be considerably larger in its 25 chapters. We have also secured a foreword and an afterword: the foreword will be written by Ed Buckner, the former President of American Atheists, and the afterword by Dale McGowan, who himself spearheads Patheos Nonreligious.

All things considered, a lot of work has gone into these titles, and Onus Books will be very proud to announce them when they are finally published in a few month’s time.

In the meantime:

Category: Uncategorized


Article by: Jonathan MS Pearce

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