• She smelled God


    Fox is back at it with their intrepid reporting. A while back, they interviewed a woman who “died,” then returned to this dimension.

    In 2009, McVea was being treated for pancreatitis. After having an adverse reaction to pain medication, her heart stopped for nine minutes before doctors were able to revive her.

    “The moment I closed my eyes in that hospital room, I immediately opened them and was standing in heaven,” McVea said. “I fail to find human words to described what I experienced while I was standing there.”

    Here we go again. Turns out around eleven percent of all people receiving a surgery will report some sort of spiritual experience. However, McVea evidently didn’t just speak with God, she just saw and smelled him.

    “I saw an immense brightness. A brightness I could feel, touch, taste, hear, smell that infused me.” Not like I had five senses but more like I had 500 senses,” Crystal McVea…

    Today she’s “transformed.”

    “All my life, I was a doubter,” she said. “To close my eyes, open them and be standing in front of the Creator of not only the universe, but of me, I never wanted to leave that.”

    Of course, she has written a book about her experience and was hawking it.


    Category: In the News


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)