• Ray Comfort doesn’t like the B-word


    Fellow Skeptic Inker, Staks Rosch, has uncovered an interesting story. It begins with this:

    This makes me wonder a couple things. First, I visited his Facebook page and have to wonder why would he invite non-believers to his site only to continually insult them? Staks agrees:

    He also loves to antagonize atheists. It was his attempt to antagonize atheists that led him to make his infamous video, “The Banana Argument.” His argument was so bad and full of errors that lots of atheists started making response and parody videos. Comfort’s video became so popular among atheists that Comfort earned the nickname, “The Banana Man,” which seems to have stuck.

    Despite his embarrassingly bad argument, Comfort continues to try to antagonize and taunt atheists on his Facebook page. He often directs comments to atheists. He does however moderate his page and frequently bans some atheists who use language he considers “blasphemy” or “cussing.”

    Second, Kudos to every dissenter who’s up to the challenge of taking on this banana-clown and his odd little posse. If you surf there, you’ll find unbelieving comments galore, some for sport, some debaters, some insulting. He, and his readers are truly immune to reason.

    Here, Comfort implies that he would ban atheists from his page if they even mention the fruit. While he of course has the right to ban whoever he wishes from his page without explanation, it is a little ironic that he has such a strong reaction to the thing that he claimed was an atheist’s nightmare.

    To be fair, he might have been joking about that part of the comment (as indicated by the smiley face). But the face may have been referring to the “for some reason” part. What’s your opinion? Do you think Ray Comfort will ban atheists from his Facebook page over the word, “banana?” Do you care?

    I’ve posted the “banana” video below and it’s pretty bad. Comfort clearly doesn’t understand science or reason. Anyone who made (and broadcast) such a bad video rather deserves the cr*p he gets.

    Kudos to Staks for a great find. Thanks for swimming Comfort’s smarmy webpage and digging out this little nugget.


    P.S. Here’s the original “banana” vid. “Behold, the Atheist Nightmare!”


    Category: FYI


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)