• Religion in 2060


    Because Christians are such good prognosticators, what with the success of Focus on the Family’s 2012 predictions, the movie “2016 Obama’s America,” and even Chuck Norris’ “dire warning for America,” you’d think Christian organizations would be rather cautious when making predictions.

    You’d be wrong.

    The American Family Association, a top conservative Christian organization, emailed members today with a dire warning that, within 50 years, Christians will be treated like African Americans during the Jim Crow era.

    In an email entitled “What will religion look like in the year 2060?”, the AFA warned about the coming onslaught against Christians, who currently make up over three-quarters of Americans. The group’s predictions include that Christians will be brutally discriminated against like blacks in the Civil Rights Era, government will take children from parents at birth, and any city with “Saint” or other loosely-religious name will be forced to change.

    Sigh. Here’s the whole email:

    What will religion look like in the year 2060?

    Conservative Christians will be treated as second class citizens, much like African Americans were prior to civil rights legislation in the 1960s.

    Family as we know it will be drastically changed with the state taking charge of the children beginning at birth.

    Marriage will include two, three, four or any number of participants. Marriage will not be important, with individuals moving in and out of a “family” group at will.

    Churchbuildings will be little used, with many sold to secular buyers and the money received going to the government.

    Churches will not be allowed to discuss any political issues, even if it affects the church directly.

    Tax credit given to churches and non-profit organizations will cease.

    Christian broadcasting will be declared illegal based on the separation of church and state. The airwaves belong to the government, therefore they cannot be used for any religious purpose.

    We will have, or have had, a Muslim president.

    Cities with a name from the Bible such as St. Petersburg, Bethlehem, etc. will be forced to change their name due to separation of church and state.

    Groups connected to any religious affiliation will be forced out of health care. Health centers get tax money from the state, making it a violation of church and state.

    Get involved! Sign THE STATEMENT.


    Donald E. Wildmon

    Ah. I get it. It’s a list building scam. Once they’ve got the list, they can start soliciting funds.There’s nothing more powerful than injecting fear into an issue to get people moving. It’s disappointing, however, that this underhanded technique is used by those who claim moral superiority.


    Category: In the News


    Article by: Beth Erickson

    I'm Beth Ann Erickson, a freelance writer, publisher, and skeptic. I live in Central Minnesota with my husband, son, and two rescue pups. Life is flippin' good. :)