• SNL vs. GOD

    Here is the trailer for God’s Not Dead 2:

    Here is the delightful parody from Saturday Night Live:


    It seems obvious what the professional satirists are driving at here. Some Christians (surely not all of them) seek to discriminate against gays and lesbians in the provision of goods and services. Bible Belt state politicians support them. Civil rights attorneys oppose them. This process is seen in some quarters as persecution rather than politics.

    The folks over at the God’s Not Dead blog take a bold stand:

    We could write letters of righteous indignation to NBC.

    We could boycott Saturday Night Live.

    We could cower in the corner.

    Or we could make the most of this and show people where we stand. Invite a friend (or fifteen) to see GOD’S NOT DEAD 2 with you this week.

    SNL mocked God, therefore you should buy more tickets to our movie! The logic is inescapable.

    But seriously, if any of my Christian friends or correspondents would like to buy me a ticket, I’d be more than happy to see this movie with you. If you’re willing to buy fifteen tickets, I’ll bring along loads of my unbelieving ACLU-card-carrying heathen friends. Let’s make this happen!


    Category: Atheism

    Article by: Damion Reinhardt

    Former fundie finds freethought fairly fab.