• Facebook Did What?

    Facebook really screwed up this time:

    Mr. Zuckerberg and Ms. Sandberg,

    Thank you for your many positive accomplishments. Please reverse the policy under which Facebook shut down a non-violent page of secularists and atheists in Pakistan. This shutdown is not making the world “a more open place.”

    Those who wish to crush the human rights of Pakistani secularists protested to Facebook about this non-violent page of an oppressed minority. Facebook supported the bullies — and the non-violent Saaenji page was deactivated:https://www.facebook.com/%C2%ADsaaenji

    This page is in the Urdu language. It was an act of bravery even to create the page.

    Meanwhile Facebook has long allowed a page which provides specific image instructions on to how to stone people to death according to God’s law: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=311857638916798&set=a.119310908171473.13457.102621139840450&type=3&theater

    When the stoning page was repeatedly reported to Facebook, Facebook replied that the level of graphic violence is acceptable – yet Facebook backed down to bullies who seek to oppress non-violent minorities. The Pakistani secular page is a voice of non-violent rationalism. Mr. Zuckerberg and Ms. Sandberg, based on your history, we are confident that you are people of good will. This violation of human rights cannot be your personal intent.

    We are confident that you will condemn, and reverse, this unconscionable policy immediately. We request that:
    1) the non-violent Saaenji page be reinstated;
    2) the page advocating violence be shut down (or at least have consistent guidelines — See #1); and
    3) policies are created to prevent bullies — mob rule — from crushing the rights – and the voices — of those in a peaceful minorities.

    Sean Faircloth, Director of Strategy & Policy
    Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science

    (via RDFRS Facebook Page)

    Category: Uncategorized


    Article by: Ðavid A. Osorio S

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