• There’s No Point Shutting Down Sharing Sites

    Copyright multi-nationals have done almost everything they can (remember SOPA?) to stop people from sharing or using what they already bought and is rightfully theirs whatever way they see fit.

    Now, Northeastern University in Boston has published a study which states that censuring or shutting down pirate sites does not work to prevent Internet users from sharing copyrighted content.

    This is the conclusion of the study:

    There is a cat-and-mouse game between uploaders and copyright owners, where pirated content is being uploaded bythe former and deleted by the latter, and where new One-Click Hosters and direct download sites are appearing while others are being shut down. Currently, this game seems to be in favour of the many pirates who provide far more content thanwhat the copyright owners are taking down. This imbalance of powers, together with the size and diversity of the One-Click Hosting ecosystem, suggest that anti-piracy laws toreduce the availability and reachability of pirated contentmay be less successful than what their proponents might expect.

    So there you go: update your freaking business model or quit.
    It’s puzzling how these cultural industries whine about how broke they will be if piracy doesn’t come to an end, but nevertheless, they pay billions of dollars on lobbies.

    Category: Uncategorized


    Article by: Ðavid A. Osorio S

    Skeptic | Blogger | Fact-checker